We have learned the results of the 17th Nationwide Survey of Investors, conducted by the Association of Individual Investors (SII). The aim of the survey is to develop a profile of individual investors in Poland and identify their needs and preferences when taking investment decisions. For the 10th year, the M+G agency was a partner in the study.
There were 2,614 people taking part in this year’s survey. According to the report published at the first edition of the Finance and Investment Forum, the average Polish investor is an educated male, about 41–42 years old, who has been investing independently on the stock exchange for 8 years and holds up to 7 companies’ shares in his portfolio. For the first time in the history of the survey, a majority of the respondents (52.4%) stated that they hold shares for longer than one year. Among those surveyed, 45.7% are guided in their stock-exchange investments by both fundamental analysis and technical analysis. There is still a significant portion of the respondents (11.0%) who admit that they are not capable of analysing financial instruments. The main motivations for investing remain diversification of income (46.7%) and saving for retirement (23.2%). Investors’ main sources of information are companies’ current and periodic reports as well as online services.
The detailed results of the survey are published on the SII website: https://www.sii.org.pl/13077/edukacja-i-analizy/badania-i-rankingi/ogolnopolskie-badanie-inwestorow-obi-2019.html